School Visits & Speaking Appearances

Mariama J. Lockington has over sixteen years of experience working as a K-12 educator in the nonprofit sector and higher education. She currently works for a College of Education in Kentucky, and enjoys teaching hands-on writing workshops, speaking with young people about their stories, as well as interacting with librarians, teachers, educators and other bookish folks. She’s available for school visits, keynotes, book clubs, panel appearances, and other educational events. See below for example offerings and fees.

Example K-12 School Visit Presentation
  • Interactive Book Talk: A 45-60 minute presentation about one or all of Mariama’s books, including author background and inspirations, introduction to main characters, key themes, musical elements, and a short reading. Ends with a Q & A.
Example K-12 Workshop Offerings
  • I Love, I Hurt, I Wonder: Writing to Survive (Grades 6+): Practicing the bravery process through song lyrics & poetry.
  • Joyful Odes! (Grades 5+): Honoring the everyday objects and subjects in our lives
  • Hey, I’m a fork! Odd Perspectives, Unexpected Characters (Grades 5+): Practicing the persona through inanimate objects
  • I AM ME! (Grades 5+): Discovering our homes and ourselves using the  five senses

Interested in a workshop that covers something else? Mariama is happy to work with your school or organization to better fit curriculum and audience needs.

School Visit & Speaker Fees:
  • Virtual School or Book Club Visit: 45-60 minutes
    $100-$250 sliding scale— Includes a reading/presentation and Q & A.
  • Kentucky School Visit: $250-$500 sliding scale + travel & accommodations if more than 2 hours away from Lexington, KY. Includes one 45-60 minute classroom visit or assembly presentation + a brown bag lunch Q & A
  • Out-of-State School Visit: $1,500 – $2,500 sliding scale + travel & accommodations if outside of Kentucky. Includes up to three 45-60 minute classroom visits or assembly presentations + a brown bag lunch Q & A.
  • Educational keynote, panel, or workshop appearance: $500-$5,000 (based on format, timing, and location. Please email with more details about your event for a more accurate quote).

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Mariama J. Lockington has over thirteen years of experience working as a K-12 educator in the nonprofit sector and currently works for the University of Kentucky’s College of Education. She enjoys teaching hands-on writing workshops and speaking with young people about their stories. Learn More